MAC Flood Update

As you may have heard, the MAC had something of a flood recently as rainwater poured down the hill from Moseley filling the lake which overflowed. While the complex has mostly re-opened they have had to reschedule a few things. From the MAC site:

The Hexagon and Theatre are operating as normal.

As a precaution, all exhibitions have been removed from the gallery spaces. It is our aim to reinstall them as quickly as possible, however this may not be until early next week.

The Exhibitions Private View, scheduled for Wednesday 20 June has now been moved to Wednesday 27 June to allow for the re-hanging of exhibitions following the closure of mac. All invites are valid for the rescheduled date, for further details please contact Lyle Bignon on (0)121 446 3346.

The cinema is currently closed and will remain so until Thursday 21 June.

The Parkside and Courtyard rooms will remain closed until Friday 22 June, while Music Rooms 1, 2 and 3 will remain out of action until Monday 25 June. We are yet to determine when the Dance Studio will be re-opened.

We will continue to update the website as much as possible. If you have any queries please call mac’s Ticket Office on 0121 440 3838.

mac would like to thank all our patrons for their patience and understanding at this time.

On a more positive note, I noticed on a recent visit that they’ve revamped their monthly programme booklet for the first time in years, possibly decades, and it’s very nice, from the full-bleed and slightly muted matt colours to the texture and feel of the paper. A lovely little package that really serves them well.