One Comment

  1. Hello. As I recently pointed out in my editorial on ‘An Ecomomic recession never stopped an eccentric’ in K/3 – The Cockeral that beareth (The Eccentric City tabloid newspaper) – I pointed out that, whilst for many years, there has been an ongoing cultural recession (regression), I was delighted to observe, and celebarte, that an eccentric population continues to flourish – in Birmingham and worldwide. There is a truly inspirational world out there aside from the sustained ‘crisis’ that tries to put a nail in the coffin. We don’t need ‘cultural operational’ healing whatsoever!

    As someone who took part in the Art Stike in 1990-93(re: Stuart Home) ‘Cultural workers put your tools down’ – I have reasserted, and remain animated, by the delights of (undefined) eccentric people and groups, many who rally outside the norms of ‘contemporary art’, irrespective of hi or low culture(without knowing any school of thought..). Birmingham doesn’t need saving. Its all out there, I found someome who inspired me the other day whilst walking along the cut….

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