1. The main picture – THE LAST OF ENGLAND – accompanying this post reminds me that the wonderful director Derek Jarman named his artistically and politically challenging film THE LAST OF ENGLAND after this wonderful painting. I have a photograph somewhere of Tilda Swinton, who acts in the film, and Derek Jarman beside this painting in the Birmingham Art Gallery on the occasion of the film’s premiere, attended by both at The Triangle Cinema, in the sadly lapsed and lamentably undervalued Birmingham International Film/Tv Festival.

  2. We are very pleased the website has received such enthusiastic and positive feedback already from so many different people, blogs, channels and organisations, we (the project team) are all very proud of the results of lots of hard work over a number of years.
    I am very interested in the photograph mentioned by Roger Shannon, Roger, when you’ve time could you have a look for it and then contact me, or the BMAG Picture Library, we’d love to see it and maybe acquire a copy for the collection.


    David Rowan
    Birmingham Museum Photography

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