Moseley Festival 2009 – doing it for the love!

I’m a sucker for anything that is done, simply because.  Not for money, not for social status, not out of obligation – but just through the love of whatever it is that you do.  And Moseley Festival strikes me as one of those things.

Moseley Festival 2008 at the Patrick Kavanagh

Moseley Festival 2008 at the Patrick Kavanagh

Happening annually for over 30 years, organised entirely by volunteers from Moseley, this year’s festival has the biggest line-up to date featuring over 80 creative and community events in more than 50 locations happening between 26 June and 5 July 2009.  That’s a pretty packed line-up in a short space of time, so to make sure you don’t miss out on anything that particularly tickles your fancy make sure to visit the festival site which has all the latest news and details on all the events.  With a line-up that includes (but is certainly not limited to) Morris Dancing, jazz improvisation, burlesque, farmers markets, open gardens, Rocky Horror, Handel, and an art trail, you’re going to need to be quick on your feet if you want to see even half of what’s on offer!

Live music at the Fighting Cocks 2008

Live music at the Fighting Cocks 2008

Moseley Festival street fair 2008

Moseley Festival street fair 2008