Bloggers in Public Appearance Shock

The July Out of Hours at Light House in Wolverhampton is a rather pertinent one for this site as it’s all about blogging.

Out Of Hours: Monday 2 July 2007, 5.30-7.30pm.

This evening we’re talking Blogging and we have some experienced bloggers on hand to guide us, including Pete Ashton of Created in Birmingham [that’s me!], Joe Butcher, Steve Campbell of Creative Wolverhampton and Stefan Lewandowski from 3Form, an innovative web development company who have created numerous blogs for both commercial and private applications. If you want to know more about blogging, (is it only a social activity or can it be part of a wider business strategy?) or just want to meet interesting people, then come along to this event.

I gather these are pretty informal events taking place in the cafe and other than reciting my usual mantra of “everyone with something to say should blog and if they blog they must link” I’ll be up for answering any questions you might have about this platform.


  1. Today’s edition of The Metro (as in the ‘news’paper what you can do go on and done get fer free on the bus) had a little blurb about the abovementioned talk.

    If I still had the text I would reproduce it. I do not still have the text.

  2. Wow. Still recovering from the crowd surfing in the moshpit. Pete, last time I saw you you were being dragged backstage by those two models. I notice the blog’s been pretty quiet since…

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