Francisico Lopez at Modulate

A curious event next weekend from the Modulate peoples as part of their monthly Sonic Culture Salon.

International sound artist Francisico Lopez will give a ‘Total Darkness’ performance in Birmingham. The audience will be required to be lying down, or seated, in darkness, to promote ‘profound listening and immersion into the sound matter’. Blindfolds will be provided.

Taking place at 22 Green St on Saturday 17th June at 9.30pm it looks to be a free event but you’ll need to book in advance by emailing

From his website:

Francisco López is internationally recognized as one of the major figures of the underground experimental music scene. Over the last twenty five years he has developed an astonishing sonic universe, absolutely personal and iconoclastic, based on a profound listening of the world. Destroying boundaries between industrial sounds and wilderness sound environments, shifting with passion from the limits of perception to the most dreadful abyss of sonic power, proposing a blind, profound and transcendental listening, freed from the imperatives of knowledge and open to sensory and spiritual expansion.

The term “dreadful abyss” is not used frequently enough these days, methinks.

Hat tip to Newsgland.