
  • Living in a Box. The BBC’s Rajesh Mirchandani spends a night in the Micro Compact Home curently set up on the Festival of Extreme Building site near Masshouse.
  • Andrew Dubber’s 20 Things You Must Know About Music Online is now available as a 96 page PDF which you can download for free. If you don’t like the idea of reading a 96 page PDF it’s to be published as an edited down physical booklet soon.
  • Here’s a nice review of the Fierce Festival closing party which I’m seriously regretting missing now…
  • Nick Carson of 4Talent is looking for “comments, (constructive) criticism, feedback and suggestions for what you think 4Talent should be covering, where we hit the spot and where we should try harder” on their burgeoning Facebook group.
  • Stef Lewandowski does a bit of stats magic to try and answer the question Where’s the creative and cultural web traffic in Birmingham? I’m not sure the results actually mean anything (traffic is not necessarily a good measure of value, and I don’t know anyone with the Alexa toolbar installed) but it’s an interesting read nonetheless.
  • Destroy Cowboy have an EP out soon, and also do a nice line in t-shirts I notice.
  • Aparently the The King Edward Inn in Aston, which in recent months looked to be establishing itself as a decent gig venue, has closed. No confirmation of this, I hasten to add.