Phil Wilkinson

Phil Wilkinson is a Birmingham based printmaker and painter.

I work in a variety of media from woodcut prints and drypoint etchings, through collographs, monoprints and photoetchings, to pen and wash and acrylic. In the near future I hope to add wood engraving to this range. With a contemporary eye, I tackle landscape and local cityscape themes, exploring the rich variety of vernacular building, and the interesting clash between 19th and 21st Century architecture.

My subjects are largely landscapes and cityscapes, but I have also recently worked on a series of etchings entitled From the Air, which explores an aerial viewpoint of richly textured landscapes or seascapes, and also includes vintage aircraft, which are a personal interest of mine.

He produces his prints at the Birmingham Print Workshop, a “co-operative printing workshop for local artists”, which I hadn’t heard of before but is aparently part of Birmingham Artists on Holloway Head. Sounds intriguing.

Hat tip to UpYerBrum.


  1. djlimb

    Commenting on your site is really difficult, I’ve pretty much forgot what I was going to say.

    Except that this stuff is quality, I’m learning to lino cut myself and his stuff on his site is really inspirational.


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