Floating Cities, Hidden Architecture

Floating Cities, Hidden Architecture is one of the events that forms Architecture Week. The email I got said “Call for Participants” but the attached Doc is rather vague as to whether this means they’re still looking for artists to work this. If you’re interested I’d assume Yes and get in touch.

Taking the structures and buildings of the canal side from Coventry to Birmingham Basins as inspiration, to create individual structures which can be floated out onto the canal. Canal architecture is often hidden and overlooked when once it was an important part of a cities industry and transport network. In both urban and rural settings we will be looking at beautiful and interesting modern and historic buildings lining the sides of the water, aqueducts, tunnels and bridges making up the fabric of the Canal.

This project hopes to use the canal to inspire creativity, reinvestigate these buildings and look at contemporary uses of the canal.

Aimed at young people from 7 different areas of the canal aged between 12-18 to encourage planning and building skills. Young people invited from local groups, including home education and excluded children’s groups, to work with Artists to take part in a walk looking at the architecture in the area, making sketches and taking photographs of inspiring buildings to use later to create their own models using paper. The models will be colourful and ethereal being lit from the inside with tea lights and then later floated on the water at Coventry Canal basin Sunday 24th June at 7.30 pm

Anyone interested contact Shiam Wilcox on 07733 206 641 or email shiam@junkart.biz

Shiam Wilcox has a website.