1. anon

    Good,the public puts the arts to shame.
    This would of not of happened if it was private money.Great example of councils wasting money.

  2. While The Public is a delightful building, I’m against any public funding for the arts on principle. I don’t think the Arts Council should even exist.

  3. Did the(real) public ever ask for this? Nope. Where in the name of all things holy has the money gone? Has anyone seen the accounts for this place? How many bands, artists, small venues, new businesses could £65million support? It makes my blood boil.


    Arts Council England initially gave £30 million to The Public; at the very same time it cut all the funding to nearly 200 arts organisations from all around the country.

    It is time the whole funding issue was fully investigated. Many organisations/museums/art galleries are having to jump through hoops whilst The Public is handed money on a plate; its unjust! If you wish to do something about it then to Downing Street Petitions “thepublic”

  5. It’s such a hideous building – it’s hardly Selfridges, which compliments the background of the city… The Public just overshadows WB completely.

    From what I’ve seen of it, I can’t say there’s anything there that I’d want to see – seems like a complete waste of money.


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