1. I’m really surprised you don’t hear more about Birmingham Arts Lab, seems like it was a great art group. I’ve been trying to do some research on it but keep hitting dead ends :-(

  2. Graham Davies . formaly known as ZAT in the 60s

    Hi Mr Roberts . Reg….Birmingham Arts Lab . Back at the start in the 60s I was the first live in member at the Lab . My bed was above the door between the movie area and the comunial area . I remember Simon Chapman saying that I was the First Live in Caretaker for the Lab . I only stayed about six months or so , untill they got their First Arts Council Grant . If you wish to bell me my No is 01843-848181 , I find it easier to talk than type . Try twix the hours of 20:00 and 03:00 Cheers dude …. Hope to hear from you soon …. bye .. Z .

  3. Simon Chapman

    Well, well, well. Zat my old friend, do you remember the sack of potatoes you bought to feed us all? If I remember correctly you disappeared one day just as mysteriously as you had arrived, we chatted about you for months after wondering what had happened to you.

  4. aha! that’s my poster.
    I also lived at the Lab around 1973? i think. first in the rooms under the coffee bar and then in the blocked-off stairwell – an interesting shape! I remember Tony Jones, Pete, Terry Grimley, Ken Meharg and Bob, Neil Murray, Stuart Rogers et al…….it was a fun time. Did some cinema projection on the ancient old projectors, made costumes and worked with the Performance Group, and then i got into the Slade to do theatre design and moved to london. Happy memories.

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