1. Chris – just a FYI, it was before your time, but I sit on the Creative Birmingham Partnership Board (number 1 in your list), and when Pete and I thought up Created in Birmingham it was Paul Cantrill from the City Council who sits on that board who jumped in with the initial cash to kick the blog off.

    Following that I pitched repeatedly for independent representation of creativity and culture and they helped fund the set up of Creative Republic. Amongst other things they’ve done includes recommending setting up Film Birmingham.

    Speak to Kevin at Urban Communications for info? I haven’t made it to a board meeting for a few months either due to cancellation their end or busyness my end (sorry), but Helga is also on it and might be able to shed some light.

  2. Chris – you’re right that SRB6 has ended. The first run of Handsworth Library’s “Urban Digital” media training programme used up the scrag end of the funding which was ring fenced for 06-07 financial year. They did very good things with the funding.

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