New Digital Central site

The new Digital Central website launched recently. Digital Central, if you’re not aware, is a regional development project working in the digital media and music sectors. Essentially that covers film, television, animation, interactive media, computer games, digital imaging, music and radio. In government-agency-speak:

Our aim is to develop an enterprise culture for cluster businesses that will help accelerate economic growth and increase employment through the promotion of innovative new ideas, the development of new market opportunities and the nurturing of a new generation of cluster entrepreneurs.

Digital Central undertakes activity against three key strategic themes: networking, showcasing and innovation.

Networking is one of the key goals for the website (along with a forthcoming Showcase section) with an emphasis on building a community from the somewhat disparate companies and individuals who make up the sector by sharing news and informational along with encouraging comments and debate.

Naturally the website was built by a variety of local businesses. The project was managed by Antonio Gould and Spark and Zoom, sIte design and build was by The Persuaders, art direction by Plus Two, marketing by Fish in a Bottle, the Showcase site is being built by Studio M and the content is being provided by 3form and myself.

Yes, I’m working on this, specifically the blog-like The Feed. Hope you like it.