Rhubarb trip to photo-london

Rhubarb Rhubarb (the West Midlands based photography training and development agency) are organising a coach trip to photo-london, “London’s international contemporary photography fair”. Entrance is £15 and they’re hoping to include this with the transport fee for £25.00, leaving early on Sunday June 3rd from central Birmingham.

Taking place at Old Billingsgate the website lists the following stats:

55 exhibitors: 33 galleries, 8 publishers and 14 international Art magazines
10 coutries represented
7,800 square metres floor space
20 000 visitors expected

There’s also a programme of talks:

The programme of talks, debates and round tables is designed to promote the collecting of photography and to inform both collectors and the general public on the evolution of contemporary photography since 1970 and its value on the art market. First-time photography buyers and members of the public will benefit from the experience of internationally-known experts whose presentations will provide an overall education on the subject as well as specialist knowledge on specific issues surrounding contemporary photography. Both seasoned collectors and the public will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance from these leading figures in the world of photography.

Anyone interested should email Lorna-Mary Eebb at info@rhubarb-rhubarb.net for details as soon as possible.