The Hand That Feeds – A musical about Food Crime

The Hand That Feeds - A5 Flyer Design WEB

The New Optimists is putting on a musical . . .
You are invited to a theatrical song cycle about food crime:
What: Two free, outdoor performances of ‘The Hand That Feeds
When: Saturday 14th May at 12pm & 2.30pm 
Where: Outside St. Martin in the Bull Ring. 
This follows on from our work for the Elliott Review set up by the Government in the wake of the horsemeat scandal . . .  to raise public awareness of the issues and the widespread implications of food crime both locally and nationally — and to create a platform for discussion.

It’s all huge fun & it’s already having an impact on a wider audience. We believe arts-based stuff engage people in social matters, such as food crime, where the role of science, here the forensics of food fraud, play a great part in making our world a better place.

Audiences are being encouraged to follow the conversation both in the run up to and during the live shows with #StopFoodCrime.

Here’s our rehearsals trailer:

And for more on the project including blogs and images please go to:

Websites &
Twitter: @newoptimists #StopFoodCrime


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  1. goal is to deliver the best, where no other plat-form can offer, We are unique in our services, because of our dedicated team work and the services we provide.

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