Minervala Market, The Wig



The Minervala Market is a nomadic trading post where artists and makers can trade materials and tools that are cluttering up studio spaces. It is set up during a time when finances are low and spaces to create work may becoming rarer.

A follow on from ‘CARAVAN’, ’MINERVALA MARKET’ is an unashamedly self-centred yet imaginative look at how artists will survive as a community come the apocalypse by Jonny Graney and Dale Hipkiss.


Is your studio space cluttered with materials you bought/ found but no longer have a use for because of a change in practice? Your relationship to that object may have changed but there are other artists whom may place great value upon it!

So bring it along and see what other people have- you may find something you really need too!

Bring along any unneeded studio paraphernalia or even inhabit a stall and run your own business. but remember the market place works as a non-monetary bartering system.

The show takes place on every Saturday Night in August at The Wig: that’s 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th of August.

If you’d like to book a stall for that entire duration or just one night, then get in touch via:

jonathancharlesgraney@hotmail.co.uk or dalehip@hotmail.co.uk

There’s a facebook event for more info.

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