The Gamification Lab, Next Gen at mac Birmingham


Monday 11 January ­ – Monday 25 April 2016

Recruitment Workshop ­Monday 11 January

Following the launch of successful projects #ShoutAboutBrum and Forge Magazine, the Next Gen Creative Agency are looking for young people to take part in an exciting new project  The Gamification Lab. The project is an opportunity to collaborate with Birmingham’s best creative and cultural organisations using ‘gamification’ techniques to promote and communicate what they do. Project members will learn all about gamification and will create their own projects to motivate people to engage with new cultural experiences.

Gamification is the concept of applying game mechanics and game design techniques to engage and motivate people to achieve different sorts of goals, anything from fitness to shopping. Gamification uses elements such as badges and point rewards, competition and leaderboards and collaboration with others. Gamification is currently being used by large companies such as Nike, who encourages users to lead more active lifestyles using the Nike+ application, and Starbucks allowing customers to collect gold stars via an app to gain special ‘perks’. Gamification has application across the work, education and health sectors ­ along with countless other real world applications ­without users necessarily realising they are ‘playing games.’

This project will give participants the opportunity to test out new ideas and to work with some of Birmingham’s best arts organisations. Led by freelance cultural project manager and arts marketer Kate Andrews you will learn new skills in gamification theory, collaboration, teamwork, creative communications and project management. We are looking for 16 –­ 24yr olds with a passion for creativity to get involved, no technical knowledge is required.

Take Part

If you are 16 ­– 24 and want to get involved with the project or find out more, fill in the application form available here and come along to the open workshop at the mac on Monday 11th Jan 2016 at 6pm.

From there a group will be selected to take part in the programme, with meetings commencing weekly on Monday evenings until the end of April.

If you have any questions in the meantime please don’t hesitate to contact the Next Gen team by e­mail at