2,241 Reasons to Remember – Second World War in Birmingham

Bullring outdoor market (19-22 Nov)

2,241 lives were lost in bombing raids in Birmingham in the Second World War. This November, Birmingham Hippodrome and the award winning arts organisation Metro-Boulot-Dodo will present an evocative and emotive illumination that will commemorate the Birmingham Blitz.

In November 1940, just five days after the Coventry attack, Birmingham suffered three nights of consecutive bombing. 800 people lost their lives, 2,345 people were injured and 20,000 civilians were made homeless.

November 2015 will mark the 75th anniversary of this tragic event and Metro-Boulot-Dodo will create a poignant eye-catching illumination for the public to discover in a number of significant what is pokies in australia locations across the city of Birmingham.

The haunting sounds of the air raid sirens, along with the dreaded droning of the German Bombers will once again be heard over the city’s skies. Hidden in and around the illumination the public will have the chance to hear first-hand accounts of the Birmingham Blitz.

Using archival photographs, newsreel footage and a wealth of Government Information posters, 2,241 Reasons To Remember promises to be a spectacular and dramatic illumination event which will ask the people of Birmingham to listen, to remember and to never forget.

More on the Hippodrome’s website.
