Project Birmingham: Platform exhibition


After successfully launching Limelight, a series of events aimed at promoting the best of Birmingham’s musicians, artists and chefs, The Project Birmingham team presents Platform.

Platform Birmingham is a collective inspired by the vibrancy of the city’s creative community.

We will be exhibiting work from a range of artists from across the region, giving them the Platform to showcase their talent. The music will be provided by The Moodfix Resident DJs and Project Birmingham residents Futurepastzine.

Please come and join us, and be part of the growing cultural revolution that is taking place in our city. Food and drink will be served by our hosts Yumm Cafe.

There is more information and the line-up of artists involved over on their facebook page.

The event takes place 9pm-11pm, Saturday 26th September, Yumm Café at the Custard Factory, Free entry.



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