Birmingham Weekender – this weekend!


This weekend is Birmingham first BIRMINGHAM WEEKENDER festival across the city centre.

My highlights include:

  • Putty (featured image), a series of installations adding a splash of colour to unusual locations across the city centre. Featured on the trail are Paige Smith’s Geodes and Jan Vormann’s Dispatchwork series (LEGO!) There’s a map available, so you can follow the trail and find the pieces. A project by Jenny Duffin.
  • Graphic and Digital Stitch Mash Up – Graphic illustrators collaborate with a textile artist to create an embroidered artwork using software and a digital sewing machine. Come along to watch and contribute through drawing or stitch.
  • Walking tours with Still Walking – Going beyond traditional sightseeing, these walks – devised by a selection of resourceful artists – will make you look at your everyday surroundings in a whole new light
  • It’s the last weekend of the exhibition At Home with Vanley Burke at IKON gallery
  • The festival’s self proclaimed highlight of Birmingham Weekender is MAUDITS SONNANTS, presented by Birmingham Hippodrome. French performance company Transe Expresse bring this exhilirating, adrenaline-inducing, awe-inspiring production to Birmingham for the very first time.  Actors, trapezists, acrobats, bell ringers, dancers, percussionists, singers, string quartets, welders, technicians and forgers will fill Centenary Square with bewitching performances that are lifted skywards.

The full programme is worth a read through.. available on the Birmingham Weekender website.



  1. Toni Manyer

    Maudits Sonnants were breath-taking. With my heart in my mouth and sweating palms, I was transported to a childlike state of fear, wonder and charm.

    A really inspiring performance for all I think.

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