Fierce Festival 2015 Trailer

Fierce Trailer 2015 from Fierce Festival on Vimeo.

It’s soon Fierce Festival time! The festival takes place 7th-11th October in several places across Birmingham (including BOM (festival hub), The Old Print Works, COW vintage & others.)

My highlights include:-

  • Club Fierce (Gazelle Twin, Miguel Gutierrez/Deep Aerobics, Sarah Farina) at The Old Print Works in Balsall Heath. Saturday 10th October 9pm-late, £10 adv.
  • Sleep with a Curator – public sleepover with a curator in Eastside Projects. 9th-10th October, 10.30pm-overnight, admission free and pancakes for breakfast.
  • All Ears – Kate McIntosh sets up the stage as an improvised adhoc laboratory for a series of unusual recordings and acoustic experiments, using everyday objects. 10th October, mac birmingham, 1.30pm, £10/£8concessions.

For the full programme see the Fierce Festival website.