IN CAMERA – Mat Collishaw exhibition, Grain Photography Hub

IN CAMERA Mat Collishaw-1

Last week a new exhibition launched at Library of Birmingham:

The Library of Birmingham and GRAIN are proud to present an exhibition of new work by artist Mat Collishaw supported by the Arts Council of England. The exhibition is presented in parallel with a major survey of Collishaw’s work being shown at The New Art Gallery Walsall (25 September 2015 – 10 January 2016).

In Camera is an installation created around a series of 12 crime scene negatives made Birmingham City Police Force during the 1930s and 1940s. Collishaw discovered these uncatalogued images, made to provide evidence in alleged and actual crimes committed in the city, hidden amongst an archive of orphaned police negatives whilst exploring the Library’s internationally renowned photography collections during 2014.

Intermittent flash bulbs will expose the images printed in phosphorescent ink and incarcerated in translucent vitrines.

Swish! 18 September 2015 – 10 January 2016 at Library of Birmingham. More information on the Grain website here.