BOM need your help!

bomBOM (Birmingham Open Media) is a great space, less than a minute’s walk from New Street Station. Amongst its offerings are… flexible co-working, production and shared studio spaces, support and skills sharing through its community of Fellows and R&D residencies, a gallery and events that result from creative collaborations and practice-based research with art, technology and science.

They are currently crowdfunding in order to renovate one of their studios into an education & community room. Once done up, they will be able to host workshops, lectures, small exhibitions, meetings and much more.

They have some great projects coming up for young people, including creative drop in workshops for children using Raspberry Pi’s, Makey Makey and Occulus Rift and a Summer Camp where seven to eleven year olds can spend a week learning to solder, build and program objects that respond to commands. The renovation of their studio will enable them to build on this work and offer more for the community.

Donations can be made via their IndieGoGo page here.