Trevor Appleson at mac Birmingham


Appleson’s classic portrait photographs of carefully selected demographic groups made in his makeshift portable studio are now well known. In towns and settlements from Cape Town to Mexico City to Kibbutz Hatzerim in Israel, Appleson sets up on beaches, street corners, and other public spaces, enabling a captivating representation of place.

In this new body of work, world reknowned photographer Trevor Appleson has taken to the streets of Birmingham to look at youth culture now. Including over 70 classic portrait photographs, Appleson reflects the cultural diversity of young people in the city, their infinite styles and tribal affinities.

Presented as installations, alongside objects and social media content collected from the archives of his subjects, Appleson explores self-representation as a counterpoint to the conventions of the traditional photographic portrait.

The exhibition is at mac Birmingham on the first floor gallery until 5th July.