One Comment

  1. Couple of things:
    Firstly, I’m delighted to see the upstairs screen open. When The Electric was The Tivoli it used to show soft-core porn downstairs and more arts-cinema stuff upstairs. I recall seeing a double-bill of Letter to Brezhnev and My Beautiful Laundrette. Even when it was pre-Tom Lawes Electric it still did double bills (I remember a cool Terence Malick double bill of Days of Heaven and Badlands). So am chuffed to see Tom has both screen going now – how about bringing back the double bills as well?

    Secondly, someone with more intimate knowledge of how the funding for the Digital Screen Network (DSN) works will tell us why The Electric didn’t qualify first time round (or second time as I think there were a couple of opportunities). Those cinemas that are part of the DSN, be they multiplexes or arts cinemas, have to screen a certain number of ‘specialist’ films. The UK Film Council keep a database of such films. Now a quick search will tell you that foreign language films count as ‘specialist’ which includes films in Hindi. And where in Brum will you find Hindi films? In the multiplexes which probably explains why they quite rightly meet the criteria for being part of the DSN.

    To note: Light House in Wolves is also part of the DSN and has a nice big lovely screen as well. I got a tour of the projection booth a while back which was interesting but was amused to find that digital film doesn’t rely on any secure, sophisticated download to deliver films to cinemas. They’re couriered in like traditional film but on an encrypted hard disk rather than a reel.

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