101 Things Birmingham Gave The World


Today is the launch of 101 Things Birmingham Gave The World, after huge support on social media with their successful kickstarter campaign earlier in the year.

“101 Things Birmingham Gave The World, is not a Birmingham of the memory. It is a living breathing thing, wrestling with the city’s contradictions, press-ganging the typically arch and understated humour of the Brummie, and an army of little-known facts, both trivial and monumental, into reshaping its confusing reputation.”

Stewart Lee

You can buy the book online HERE, in a handful of shops *soon* or, if you can’t wait for it to be posted to you, or for it to be in shops, get it TONIGHT because there’s a little shindig at The Old Mo tonight in celebration.

Details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/324538024396063/