Birmingham Production Space Survey


Over the last nine months Ruth Claxton, artist and Associate Director at Eastside Projects has been working with Alessandro Columbano and Mike Dring  from Birmingham School of Architecture and Project Manager and printmaking specialist Sean O’Keeffe to develop the Birmingham Production Space proposal. In it they imagine a new piece of cultural infrastructure for the city, an affordable, professional interdisciplinary workspace with workshops and space for making at its core.

To make the case that this space is needed, they need to gather evidence, find out who is working in the region and where and how artists, designers, architects, makers and cultural producers are accessing production facilities or technical skills development.

If you are one of the above, the team would like to hear from you via the survey here. The survey will take about 15 minutes and the results will be made public and available for others to use in December. Responses need to be submitted by Sunday 23 November 2014.


  1. Joy Braithwaite

    Did your whole survey but as I have no personal website it would not finish so you have not captured 20 years of practitioner experience

  2. Ruth Claxton

    Sorry Joy.
    I’ll try to rectify it – we did lots of testing but didn’t come across this problem.
    Apologies for the hassle.

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