1. I’ve got the project proposal in front of me, titled “The West Midlands Creative Industries Community Radio Service” – 29 pages of serious writings. This certainly isn’t some mickey mouse operation. High hopes!

  2. […] Rhubarb Radio – meeting at 6pm Thurs 3rd July at Custard Factory – We?re looking for many supporters to perform all sorts of roles? it?s not just about presenting, there?s the need for researchers, producers, trainers, admin support, management committee members, fundraisers, marketeers, pr, runners, technicians […]

  3. I’ve been waiting years – literally – for a Birmingham community radio project to rear its head, so really looking forward to tomorrow

  4. Craig Simms

    Hey, I’m starting my degree in Media in September this year at BCU Birmingham, and am very keen to work in the radio industry in the future. I’ve heard about your new station-to-be and liked the idea of having a creative basis and audience. I was wondering if I might be able to come for some experience or voluntary work once its all been launched? I would be grateful if you considered me for this. Many thanks, Craig Simms.

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