Between Us – a new film about Birmingham

Between Us: Birmingham Portraits (Part One) by Geoff Broadway:

This is the first in a series of short films that I am currently making in and around Birmingham, England.

Through these films I want to explore what is happening in our culture, reflecting images of passersby and inviting them to share their thoughts with me. In this film I use only slow-motion and music to create the space and time to see what can be seen and felt in the faces of others as they move through our public spaces.

With this series of films I am returning to the street photography tradition of image-making that first inspired me to pick up a camera nearly 30 years ago. I would like to say something simple about our culture and share this with other people, and in doing so re-connect with the passion we can all feel when working freely with intent.

I am now busy working on the second film and as part of this I will be collaborating with a sound-designer/composer to develop the soundtrack. More details to follow…

For more information about this series of short films, and for other projects Geoff has worked on, visit his website

(you may already know To Be Home: Stirchley & In The Marvellous Moment: Birmingham Cathedral)