NPO news in the West Midlands

Today Arts Council England announced its investment plans for 2015-18. It lists 46 arts organisations joining the portfolio. 58 will be leaving, and 43 of those are outside of London.

Plans for the West Midlands include 48 arts organisations and three Major Partner Museums.

One new organisation joining the West Midlands portfolio is BE Festival, an international theatre showcase.

Black Country Living Museum is a new Major Partner Museum in the West Midlands, joining Ironbridge and Birmingham Museums Trust.

The six organisations being offered a higher level of funding to achieve specific aims are:

There are three organisations from the West Midlands leaving NPO. From what I gather, those are Big Brum, Rhubarb Rhubarb (which has been in hiatus since 2011, following the sudden and long-term illness of Rhonda Wilson, MBE — its founding CEO and creative force) and Tindal Street Press (formerly based in Birmingham. Since 2012, it has been an imprint of Profile Books Ltd.)

Here are a selection of happy tweets I’ve seen in my feed today:

And the not so happy … 

You can check out the stats for yourself on the Arts Council England website, and just the NPOs in the West Midlands on this spreadsheet I uploaded to Google Drive.

Credit to Polaroids and Polarbears for some of the stats info – and thanks to Jenny Duffin from Birmingham Loves Photographers for her help.

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