1. The festival sounds really interesting – but it’s so difficult to decipher what’s on, where and when. (On the PDF for example; a few simple-ish design changes would dramatically help legibility.) If people have to work too hard to find out what’s going on, there’s a danger they might just give up.

    I understand, however, that there’s not always the time or budget to spend on things like design …

    I wonder then: is there any kind of funding available to organisers of events promoting, for example, community cohesion or wider participation in cultural and creative activities? Funding that could be used so these events can be more effectively and efficiently promoted, and so that the organisers – who obviously work really hard to co-ordinate everything – can get a bit of support and advice?

    All of which has led me to pose the question – would an ‘Available Funding’ section on CiB be do-able/useful? (Funding related to the creative/cultural industries, plus other caveats I’m sure but you get the drift.)

    [Apologies for the wordy and slightly off-topic comment – it’s too late for me to be writing, truth be told – but I’m sure there’s a reasonably good point in there somewhere!]

  2. I think the world of funding’s far too tricky for a lad like me to get my head round. I could be wrong though – a nice informative blog by someone who ‘gets’ that whole area might be nice.

    I agree though – this looks interesting but good grief, it’s so hard to make out what’s going on when.

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