Brutalism Day School – 28 June 2014


 Raw Beauty: a new life for Brutalist buildings

A day school exploring the future for British Brutalist buildings, in celebration of Birmingham Library, with expert historians and critics ( Barnabus Calder, Ross Brown, Alan Clawley and Andy Foster ); Preston Bus Station and Sheffield’s Park Hill estate case studies introduced by campaigners, Urban Splash, and architects Hawkins Brown; a Brutalist guided walk (Owen Hatherley); all you need to know about concrete conservation (Catherine Croft); listing considerations (Roger Bowdler, English Heritage); and a celebration picnic at the ‘amazing spaceship of a bulding that in 30 years time our kids will be looking at photographs and saying “what happened to that”‘? – Birmingham Library.

The Brutalism Day School is being held on 28th June at the BMI. Places need to be booked through the 2oth Century Society.

Organised by: Friends of Birmingham Library in association with the C20Society WM Group and the Twentieth Century Society, London