Epic Encounters at Birmingham REP


Epic Encounters, Birmingham REP’s eight week programme of events celebrating the ideas, stories and plays of Bertolt Brecht, is in full swing. Curated by playwright Mark Ravenhill, Epic Encounters is “a feast of inspiring theatre, stimulating debate and hands-on activities for all ages” and it is taking place until 12th April.

There are plenty of things to see and do as part of the season, this Saturday alone you can catch a day of sound and screen:

  • Ask Me More About Brecht – a multi-media theatrical reconstruction of conversations between Hanns Eisler and Hans Bunge
  • Hanns Eisler Shorts – a diverse range of short films featuring Eisler’s music, including a live performance of his score for Joris Iven’s Rain (1929) by an ensemble from Birmingham Conservatoire (in association with Flatpack Film Festival)
  • O Moon of Alabama – stars of stage and screen, Walter van Dyk and Liza Sadovy perform a compilation of Kurt Weill’s most popular works.

There’s a brilliant exhibition in the REP foyer with flying books and money – for their ‘what do you value?’ tree. If you pop along you may also stumble across some of the remaining #5wordprotest marchers – which formed part of the ‘Have Your Say’ activity day earlier this month.


There are many more great events taking place up until the end of the season in April, take a look at the programme of events here. They’re doing a ‘pay what you want’ offer on Saturday, and a half price day pass from now until the weekend.

Illustration Claire Hartley.