Verity Milligan – Living through the lens

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Local photographer Verity Milligan isn’t a Birmingham native. However, through her numerous visits and passion for the ever-changing and developing surroundings of our city, she made her last visit permanent two years ago.

Now a proud ‘Brummie’, Verity is working on some really exciting projects in and around Birmingham, and collaborating with other local photographers and organisations.

A relative latecomer to the art, Verity explains;

“When I picked up a camera at 25, it just clicked, so to speak. I haven’t really stopped taking pictures since, nor have I ever stopped enjoying shooting. It’s taken me on so many different adventures and enabled me to meet some wonderful people.”

She has always struggled to completely define her style, admitting that she tends to read the moment and see what it requires.

“I’m a big fan of natural lighting, so often seek out the hours before and after sunrise or sunset. I’m comfortable shooting landscapes and portraits, but I think what defines me is that I’m always seeking out a different perspective, or a new way of looking at things.”

This is evident in her Birmingham-based work, as she is always keen to find the beauty in spaces well-known as well as those hidden away.

Bullring2 (hi-res)

Verity is currently working on a couple of Birmingham-focused projects, including her ongoing blog ‘Beauty in Birmingham‘. Here she aims to share and showcase Birmingham’s open spaces, such as the many parks and impressive canal system.

LickeyHills (hi-res)

The Lickey Hills

She is planning to expand the ‘Beauty in Birmingham‘ project over the summer and explore even more of what Birmingham has to offer.

Verity’s inspiration, like most, comes from all over. She is constantly inspired by other photographers in the region and everything around her. Always seeking a different perspective on something, Verity is fascinated by the many interesting stories that exist behind a person’s face. It is the complete diversity of photography that excites her;

“Photography is never a static discipline and there are always situations that can challenge and surprise. I prefer to work with different mediums and subjects because that keeps me inspired, and I love the people I meet through photography. Whether it be someone just interested in my camera or a client I’m working with, there is always a conversation to be had and a connection to make.”

Verity describes what is perhaps her greatest joy; the connection she continues to feel, through photography, with the world around her.

What I love about Verity’s passion is that she believes her proudest moments are yet to come.

“I travelled the world solo several years ago, when I was still very much learning my craft as a photographer. Whilst it helped me to grow exponentially, looking back now it feels more like a recce. I would love to return to certain places and explore their cultures with more depth. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to fulfil this aspiration.”

Verity’s plans for the future include collaborating with local organisations in Birmingham, whilst continuing to hone her craft both at home and abroad. She would love to explore and capture the island communities in Fiji and the South Pacific, as well as the abundant landscapes and wildlife on the South Island of New Zealand.

You can follow and enjoy Verity’s work via her ‘Beauty in Birmingham‘ blog as well as through her Twitter account @Vemsteroo, where she tweets a variety of stunning pictures that she captures daily.

And trust me, she means it when she says she’s never stopped taking pictures since she first picked up a camera!

One Comment

  1. I like the one of the city with the Rotunda and Bull Ring on. Nice definition to that and good depth of field. Good composition too, I recognise a lot of buildings like the Post Office tower. I haven’t been to Brum for over 30 years either!

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