Break The Chain: Birmingham Against Modern Day Slavery

Break the Chain

A group of socially active young people from award-winning youth empowerment charity, Envision, are partnering with Unchosen to Break The Chain of Human Trafficking in Birmingham.

This will be an evening of powerful short-films from independent film makers – shining a light on a practice that thrives in the shadows. The event begins at 7pm on Wednesday 19th March at The MAC in Edgbaston.

All of the films screened are based on real life case studies.

It will be a fantastic exposition of how film can tackle social issues and protect vulnerable people.

Screenings of short-films Nicu, The Trip, Let’s Talk About Sex and Safina will be followed by expert-led panel debates to raise awareness of different aspects of Modern Day Slavery. See below for more information about the panel.

The night will also include spoken word pieces and live music with local artists specially commissioned to perform.

Contact The MAC box office to book your tickets.