Illustrated Brum


Illustrated Brum, a new illustration blog, is described by editors Louise Byng and Sarah Isaacs as “visual anecdotes of their relationship with the city.

Their first post says:

Here we will document the creative, cultural and social goings on we encounter to create an illustrated guide to Birmingham life. Through drawings, photographs, artifacts and ephemera we seek to capture the city around us and fly the flag for exciting things we come across, with intention to grow the project and allow others to do the same.

There are six different categories that make up their blog (and also their logo): Discover, Connect, See, Make, Play and Unwind.

So as these categories suggest, not only will they be sharing their visual notes on the city on their blog, but they plan to share wonderful things that are going on – that you visit/take part in – as well. Sounds brilliant.

For more info:

Illustrated Brum blog | @IllustratedBrum