‘BABEL’ – Exhibition Extended

Number 50 (Volume 2 Number 25)

‘BABEL is an ongoing series of collages, paintings, digital prints, cards, books, boxes and installations, all derived from Stewart Brown’s experiments with ‘visual language’. This new iteration of the series is displayed alongside the influences and inspirations Brown has encountered during his time as an academic at the University of Birmingham and his travels through West Africa and the Caribbean.’

University of Birmingham has been pleased to welcome back Stewart Brown to host his work once again in their Aston Webb Rotunda building. The exhibition started in December and has been extended until 11th February. The work is on show from Monday to Friday between 9:00am till 5:00pm.


Babel 44 (Volume 2 Number 19)

Stewart Brown’s first exhibition of BABEL was in 2007 at University of Birmingham. Having explored literature and visual art during his time working in various schools and Universities in Jamaica, Nigeria Wales and Barbados his practice is heavily based on his own questioning and interpretation of how we recycle and take in information around us. This playful final visual work is a representation of these two practices working together and merging to form ‘BABEL’.

Babel Box

All of Stewart Brown’s work that is available for purchase can be found listed here.

For any further information about the exhibition at the Rotunda Gallery please contact Anne Young at 0121 414 6750 or a.young.1@bham.ac.uk.


  1. Many thanks for the shout out. Just a couple of factual corrections:
    The current BABEL show is in the Rotunda exhibition space in the Aston Webb building at the University of Birmingham in Edgbaston (not Birmingham City University)
    The show has been extended now until Tuesday Feb, 11th.
    The link to my website for info or sales is http://www.catalystpress.co.uk

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