Mosaic Fascination

Just taking a moment really to celebrate the achievements of mosaic artist Caroline Jariwala. After reading an interview with Caroline on I wanted to get involved with the mosaic bug. (You can see her here on the artist line up! #9!)


Caroline Jariwala creates beautiful mosaics and even from briefly looking at her work here you can really see that it’s an amazing skill. The different shapes created to form a mosaic, as well as design procedures and planning are something to be really admired. Today she is being acknowledged for her talent as she’s been selected to join 59 other international artists to construct part of an enormous mosaic building project in Chile. The construction takes place from the 13th till the 24th of January and is called the Urban Mosaic Intervention.

The following link not only explains a little more about what the Urban Mosaic International 2014 project is about but also is a great example of how much work goes into creating different textures and effects with mosaic patterns. A great community project and one that looks stunning.

By reading the interview between and Caroline Jariwala you can see how much of a team building activity mosaic commissions can be. Her work for the Princess of Wales Community Hospital Bromsgrove involved creating a mosaic pattern that appealed to the patients is really very touching, especially when given how important the appearance of our environment can be.


I hope that I will hear from Caroline Jariwala when she gets back and see what she will manage to bring back with her to the Midlands. For now we can just say congratulations, and hope that this form of artwork might inspire others.

One Comment

  1. We love Created in Birmingham so we’re over the moon that got a mention on your brillant website, thank you! Especially as it’s for our interview with Caroline Jariwala. Caroline is a fantastic mosiac maker based in Bearwood and we’re really excited about her mosiac project in Chile.

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