1. A little more info on the Capsule event for Integra:

    Capsule present in collaboration with Integra:

    The Bays with John Metcalfe and live ensemble.
    The Bays incorporate a classical ensemble into their improvisd electronic performance, using a unique system of real-time music scoring devised by The Bays and projected for the audience to see as well as hear.

    This has only been performed once before in Liverpool –

    BIT20 Ensemble
    Live electronics: Chris McClelland, Sonic Arts Research Centre, Belfast
    A musician-led ensemble from Bergen Norway will premier a new mixed-media work by Michele Tadini, commissioned specially for the festival, plus works by Schaathun and Hellstenius.

    Friday, 6th June
    @ Space 2 . The Custard Factory
    (seated event)

    Tickets from: http://www.ticketweb.co.uk
    Swordfish Jibbering Records Polar Bear

  2. Oh and on the local flavour 3form did the identity and website… it’s been running for around three years and this is the culmination of a lot of work so it’s bound to be fascinating.

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