ESP Trading Post at LoB

Trading Post

ESP are the latest group to be holding a residency at the new Library of Birmingham as part of Capsule’s Discovery Season. I picked up a nice flyer for it (as you can see above in my naff photo) at the weekend from Volume: Art, Book and Print fair. Here’s what it says on the other side:

Trading Post is an exhibition of art ‘for trade’, a cornucopia of work made by artists from Birmingham and beyond. Taking a cue from the TV classic Multi Coloured Swap Shop all the artworks in the exhibition will be available to swap.

Head over to the Pavillion and make ESP an offer – whether that’s your time, skills, things or expertise. Their suggestions include ‘art for a haircut’, ‘art for cake’, ‘art for life coaching’ or ‘art for welding’ (which I misread as wedding.) Once an offer has been made it will be made public and if the contributing artist decides to take up the offered trade, the swap will be arranged.

Super. More info about ESP Trading Post over on Eastside Projects’ website, Capsule’s website, or on the Library of Birmingham’s website – take your pick!