1. What’s On In Brum (www.woib.co.uk) gives you an RSS feed of what’s on this week, or you can subscribe to only one of the categories. What is it you wanted, to be able to filter those feeds by keyword or something?

  2. It’s the subscribe to search and widgets that does it right now, plus the promise of more to come. I see this as being what I’d call “real internet” though that’s not to diss everything else out there. woib is good but livebrum goes much further.

  3. a big welcome to the scene to josh & livebrum – it’s a big city & a big interweb out there, with there being plenty of room for all ! Ultimately no site is ever going to manage to cover everything, & no site is ever going to manage to get presentation of the results perfectly clear for every users’ preferences, so the greater diversity there is ultimately the better it is for all.

  4. Now I just need someone (or some time) to write a script that automatically creates livebrum search feeds for arbitrary charts/tags/groups on last.fm.

  5. Thanks for the great write up Pete. The response so far has been terrific but, as you noted, this is just the beginning. Live Brum is under constant development and new features will be rolled out on an ongoing basis.

    @Simon – thanks. Here’s to some friendly competition. Birmingham is big enough for all of us ;-)

    @hawsie – All you need to do is add your search word to the end of this url: http://livebrum.co.uk/events/search?search=

    i.e. http://livebrum.co.uk/events/search?search=metal

    and add .rss if you want a feed.

    i.e. http://livebrum.co.uk/events/search.rss?search=elephant

    Hope that helps a bit. Maybe someone could create a bookmarklet?

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