1. Yes, we found some additions.

    To see them, and to go a little farther outside of Birmingham, check out what the community has posted on the free and open site for every kind of dance, music, and theatre festival throughout the world – KadmusArts.com (http://kadmusarts.com)

    Be sure to be part of the Festival community — add your info, stories, photos to the site!


  2. Yes, but ArtsFest is after 31 August, isn’t it? Who plans that far ahead?

    Good one on the Jazz Fest though – I looked to see if there would be one this year but couldn’t find any info. Please gimme a shout when the new one goes up.

    @bill – update your site before spamming it around, it’s embarrassing.

  3. just got back from the Fierce Festival we did the b1 Labyrinth and the divine Eagar Allen Poe, both absolutely fantastic

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