Round-up 24-04-08

  • 7 Inch Cinema’s next event is on Sunday 27 April from 7 to 11pm at the Hare & Hounds in Kings Heath. Entry is yours for £4. I’m going to try and drag some friends along to this.
  • Birmingham Printmakers look interesting and they run courses on silk screen printing, photo etching and the like. They also do free workshops for kids and are based in Digbeth.
  • Rhubarb Rhubarb, the photography training and development agency, have announced the date’s of this year’s Rhubarb Festival. It’ll run from 31 July to 3 August and will be at Aston Business School.
  • Bobbie Gardner went long to see Soweto Kinch talking at the Creative Networks this evening -something I wish I could’ve gone along to. She’s written up her refections of the evening on her blog.
  • Dice Productions have launched a new blog, just a couple of months after their last one. It’s called Um Ok Yeah and the post about a Tescos ecosystem made me laugh.

One Comment

  1. I got to interview Soweto at Creative Networks last night as the Musicians’ Union were sponsoring the night and I work for them. I am so pleased that so many people got such a positive message from him.

    Visit my blog for my take on the talk.



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