CiB Not Harmful

A number of you have been contacting me over this appearing on Google:


In short, nothing to worry about, it’s all in hand, just waiting for Google to process the site before removing the warning.

In long, we were running WordPress 2.2 which was vulnerable to hacking and someone hacked it. Nothing major, just a bit of link spam. We’ve upgraded to the more secure WordPress 2.5 and cleared away all the spam so all it right with the world.


  1. This’ll be where I get amazed that people surf the web with javascript disabled, but I gather it’s not that usual. It’s probably the fancy Ajax comment box not degrading gracefully so I’ll look into it. Eventually.

  2. s’cos there’s too many websites which want to do things like shake your browser, move it about, & resize it to the size *they* want you to have your browser rather than the size *you* want it, innit.

  3. s’cos there’s too many websites which want to do things like shake your browser, move it about, & resize it to the size *they* want you to have your browser rather than the size *you* want it, innit.

    Simon. Dd you last have javascript switched on in about 2001 by any chance?

  4. I saw this Google result for the first time today, and have to say that it’s an irresponsible tactic, particularly if it is highlighting pages that aren’t actively corrupting my machinery. It’s a sure way to drive people away from worthwhile sites. After googling the offending phrase and finding a bunch of stories like yours, I am thinking the line deserves to be replaced with

    Scaremongering by Google

    Furthermore, I’m not convinced by the Badware site. More hysteria. It looks as though they report sites based on very thin evidence, such as if there’s a link to a site that’s been identified (or misidentified) as corrupt. Bad.

  5. it would also be a bit rich of google to be fixing it on to here because of the ajax for the commenting, given most of their work these days is practically 80% running off it.

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