Pendrecht Dialogues

A very last minute notice from Sandra at Friction Arts of an event that seems to have parallels with their Reality Estate shindig.


This show is the result of a project where Director Cees Bavius & writer Pieta Bot set up ‘shop’ in a disused supermarket in an urban district of Rotterdam… The performers for this show ranged from 14 to 83 years old and their here to share their stories! For some of our visitors this is their first trip outside of Holland so please join us to welcome them and see the show.

That’s tomorrow.

One Comment

  1. our visitors are very excited and we have been sourcing equipment for them today. they have just appeared at a large festival in Amsterdam and were sold out and also ‘the hit of the festival’
    I’m looking forward to the piece and hope others can join us – thanks Pete for posting so late – Sandra. x

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