JamFactory at the Custard Factory

JamFactory aka Gavin Strange is a brilliant designer from Bristol, but he’s launching his new vinyl toy collection, Droplet, here in Brum which gives me a good excuse to write about him here!

I first discovered JamFactory on Flickr, I think after one of his ‘Free Art Friday‘ pics showed up in Flickr’s interesting pages and have been following him ever since. I had seen the above flyer come through on an RSS feed of my Flickr contacts’ photos, but dismissed it at the time thinking it must be a Bristol-based event. Anyway, serendipity fans, I also happen to be subscribed to a feed of all Twitter ‘tweets’ (posts) that mention Birmingham and while doing a very rapid skim read of that, JamFactory’s name jumped out because he was talking about visiting Birmingham. So I didn’t miss out on him coming to Brum :)

Free Art Friday btw is an excellent idea, hint hint, Brum creatives!


  1. Aww, thank you ever so much for blogging the Jam & Custard launch, I really really appreciate it!

    I decided to have the show in Birmingham because Go Go Plastic! is a fantastic independant store and Im originally from the midlands (Leicester) so I wanted something close to my hometown!

    Thanks again and hope you can make the show!

    All the best and keep up the great blog,

    ~ Gav.

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