KINO 10 giveaway / Kings Heath Community Cinema


Sam from KINO 10 has two tickets to giveaway for his next event, Things That Go Bump in the Night. As part of The Electric Cinema’s Shock and Gore Festival, KINO 10 will be taking over St Columba Church in Moseley for a night of scary and/or hilarious short films.

From 8:30pm, irregular speakeasy psynema perpetrators OUTER SIGHT will be setting the tone by plotting a harrowing set of psychedelic horror clips and soundtrack selections, and then at 9pm, as the sun dies down the short films will come out…Find out more here. 

If you’d like to win yourself two free tickets with two free blood-red cocktails, then all you need to do is email with ‘Competition Time’ in the subject title before Saturday 13th July. The winner will be picked out at random and emailed on Sunday 14th July.

You can also book tickets to this event here.

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In other independent cinema related news: this Saturday is the monthly Kings Heath Community Cinema.

Throughout 2013, the cinema will normally screen on the second Saturday of each month. The films will be chosen by the local community through an online poll. You can tweet your suggestions to @KHVillageSquare, email them to, or leave your suggestion at All Saints Centre reception.

There will also be opportunities for local businesses, individuals and organisations to sponsor screenings, show their own films or talk to the public on anything relevant to the local area. This is an All Saints Community Arts project, kindly supported by Kings Heath Centre Partnership.

This edition of KH Community cinema has been programmed by Espirito Brum, who are in full swing of Espirito Brum 2013 festival. It’s the Intuitive EP Launch with Wanderson Lopez, Mendi Singh and Joelle Barker, with Cinematic visuals from Expurgação  It is suggested you bring cushions, rugs, etc. Tickets are £5(£3) and available on the door.

Earlier in the day as part of the festival they have music in the Village Square from 12-3pm – Flautins Matua present Fua Interactive Brazilian Folk Performance.

Not only this, in the square on Saturday the monthly Brum Yum Yum Kings Heath Streetfood Market is taking place 12-6pm.