Public Arts Forum

Birmingham Civic Society is holding a Public Art Forum on the evening of Wednesday 15th May, to take forward the debate on the future of Public Art for Birmingham.

Birmingham Civic Society has decided to commission a new innovative work of public art to be positioned in the city centre through an open competition. The piece will be unveiled in 2018, their centenary year. This Forum will not only influence the approach and vision Birmingham Civic Society will take in commissioning this new piece of public art work, but will also allow for a wider discussion and debate about the changing status and function of public art, relating to both its relevance and relationship to a city and its residents, and the parameters of what public art can be.

Birmingham Civic Society and a panel of speakers from cultural, planning and business sectors will introduce a series of questions for discussion.

You can book a space for the event via the Birmingham Civic Society:

More information on the Birmingham Civic Society website.