Support the Birmingham Architecture Festival 2013

Earlier this year, we wrote about the Birmingham Architecture Festival taking place across Birmingham in May. They have recently launched a kickstarter to help fund their efforts, and at the time of writing they are half way to reaching their target of £1250.

“The Birmingham Architecture Festival is a welcome addition to Birmingham’s burgeoning independent festival scene and will hopefully do for architecture what Flatpack does for film, Fierce for performing arts and Supersonic for music – shake things up and get us to appreciate the structure of our city with fresh eyes.”

Pete AshtonMatt and Pete’s Photo School

“Birmingham Architecture Festival has created a package of events to re-awaken Birmingham’s building users, and that’s everyone. BAF’s smart move is to show that architecture is not just about ‘building buildings’, rather it’s about how people live their lives.”

Ben Waddington – Still Walking Festival

If you want this to happen and think it’s a good idea – make an investment.

You can read more about the BAF, including their aims of the festival, what to expect etc, on their kickstarter page.