Spectrum – Birmingham School of Jewellery

Spectrum is an exhibition showcasing the work of the jewellery and silversmithing world through the work of the 13 Artists in Residence (2012-2013) at the Birmingham School of Jewellery.

The exhibition gives the audience the opportunity to see the work of the current emerging and established designers within this field. Each resident has a specialist interest within their discipline which sees traditional precious materials sit alongside concrete and wood. Examples of the work by two of the residents, Christine Davies and Hannah Fewtrell-Bolton, are featured below;

Christine Davies

Hannah Fewtrell Bolton

The private view is on Tuesday 7th May from 6pm – 8pm and you can confirm your attendance by visiting their Facebook page. The exhibition will continue to run from 8th May – 24th May open Monday-Thursday 9am – 8pm and Fridays 9am – 5pm.

Spectrum Invite

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